Customer statements

Customer statements are statements of account activity and amounts owing to you by your Customer. The type and date range of the statements are configurable, and you can select from the list of Customers for whom to produce the statements.

Statements can be generated at any time, for any Customer and for any date range. This means that you do not have to maintain a record of past statements for Customers, and if necessary can re-generate a statement for a Customer for any period, past or present. For example, if a Customer phones and requests last month’s statement, you can re-generate the statement as it would have looked for last month: the statement generation engine is able to reverse transactions that have occurred after the statements date to arrive at a historical perspective of an account statement.

Once statements have been generated, they are all assigned a statement run number which is unique to this statement run. If you decide not to purge the statements after they have been printed, then you can re-print a statement without re-generating it.

Depending on the style of report selected, the details section of statements can contain information relating to any General ledger transaction that has been performed on a Customer’s account.

The Create Statements form allows you to create account statements for any of your Customers or Creditors. If you activate the form from the Accounts receivable menu then you will be creating Customer statements; if you activate the form from the Accounts payable menu, then you will be creating Creditor statements. In essence, a statement displays the same basic information whether it is money that is owed to you by your Customers, or money that is owed by you to your Creditors.

It is not advisable to create large numbers of statements during normal use of the system, because statement generation can take a few moments during which other users may experience delays when updating their records.